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Persistent or recurrent difficulty, delay in, or the inability to ejaculate at all during sexual intercourse after being sexually aroused, despite a firm and sustained erection, effective stimulation, and an intense urge to ejaculate. This causes marked personal distress, as well as for his partner. Ejaculation is possible during masturbation, often requiring vigorous and lengthy penile stimulation– much more intense than can usually be attained during sexual intercourse.

IE may be:
  1. Primary [lifelong]: the man has never been able to ejaculate during intercourse from the first attempt.
  2. Secondary [acquired]: IE occurs after a period of successful ejaculation during intercourse.
  3. Generalised: inability to ejaculate under any circumstances except possibly wet dreams. This is rare and is usually due to a physical cause or medication.
  4. Moderate: erection is usually maintained for a long time without the man being aware of high level of arousal, as the penis appears to be insensitive. He is unable to ejaculate during intercourse, but he may satisfy his partner, and then masturbate to ejaculate.
  5. Situational: able to ejaculate with one partner and not another or only in certain circumstances.
The intensity of stimulation required to produce orgasm varies from time to time and between individuals, and circumstances. The need for extra stimulation increases with stress, fatigue, conflict, sedation and age.


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