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AIDS is an abbreviation for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This illness occurs because the virus - called Human Immunodeficiency Virus [usually referred to as HIV] impairs one’s natural immune system which normally protects against infection and some cancers, and when the system fails because the disease AIDS sets in, then infections and or cancer lead to death. Treatment is available to alleviate symptoms and prolong life, but there is no cure.

The Human Immune Deficiency Virus is transmitted via body fluids, particularly semen and vaginal secretions by direct contact between two people, and by blood through direct contact [e.g. oral sex during menstruation, deep kissing with bleeding gums], or injecting with shared needles. The virus is also found in breast milk.

Passive receptive anal intercourse carries a very high risk, the risk to the active partner is less. Drug addicts who share needles run a very high risk, vaginal intercourse carries a high risk to the female but a low risk to the male having sex with an infected female, oral sex has a low risk. If the mother is infected, the risk to her baby is high, and infection can be transmitted by breast milk to the baby.

The HI virus can live undetected in the human body for many months after initial infection in the so called ‘window period’, and this indicates the need for repeated testing in suspected cases.

The incidence of HIV and AIDS is alarmingly high worldwide, but particularly in South Africa, and many people continue to engage in unprotected sex either through ignorance, or feelings of personal immunity, or coercive sex, or their attitude to risk taking, or lack of understanding of the consequences of their actions or of the effects of the disease.

It is important to realize that this is a very serious disease and every possible precaution must be taken to prevent becoming infected.



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