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Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation refers to the man's inability to control the delay of ejaculation on most sexual encutners as he would wish.
Some men may experience ejaculation before they penetrate or during or a few seconds after penetration.
Premature ejaculation, may cause dissatisfaction amongst partners and may lead to relationship problems.
Different therapists advocate different behaviour techniques to prolong ejaculation. Some say that touch, massaging and learning to teach your partner what you like, should be practiced for a while. Showing each other what you prefer will teach your partner what pleasures you and you will experience a more fulfilling sexual life together.
Sometimes premature ejaculation occurs as the male may not be able to feel that he is going to ejaculate. Being able to control his ejaculation allows the man to prolong the sexual act.
What causes it?
It is rare to encounter a male who has never achieved an erection. These individuals have either a profound physical problem or an extremely deep-seated psychological fear of appearing sexually.
Clearly anxiety is the most important factor in causing impotence. If you have had erectile problems, but continue to wake each morning-even on the occasional morning, with a good erection-this indicates that the mechanics and the hydraulics are all in working order. The problem is always the fear of failure. A true physical problem accounts for only a small percentage of failures to erect. Spinal injuries or tumours and chronic illnesses like diabetes play a major role. A convection that the importance is there to stay may create the condition. We fail for many reasons. We continue to fail because of fear. Medication can also cause impotence. Tranquilizers and the medications used to lower blood pressure are the commonest.
Fortunately there are many preparations available and it may require some experimentation finding the medication that suits you and does not interfere with your ability to erect. A major cause of impotence is depression. Often the first sight of depression is a loss of interest in sex and a failure to erect. As the depression responds to medication the impotence vanishes.
Treatment techniques
- The squeeze technique involves squeezing the glans (tip) of the penis between the finger and thumb just before ejaculation which will prevent ejaculation.
- A local anathestic cream may be applied to the penis which delays ejaculation as the penis loses sensitivity.
- Wearing a condom may also reduce stimulation.
- Another form of treatment involves taking tablets - see your doctor.