Definition of Sexual Orientation
Terminology and Definitions
What Causes Sexual Orientation?
Can Sexual Orientation Be Changed?
Is Homosexualilty a Mental Illness or Emotional Problem?
On Coming Out
Consideration For Professionals
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Reparative/Conversion Therapy/Transformational Ministries:
“Reparative therapy”/“Conversion therapy”, and or “Transformational ministry” are “therapies” or interventions often resorted to in an attempt to change or rectify a homosexual/bisexual person’s sexual orientation. Transformational ministry "is a term used to describe the use of religion to eliminate homosexual desires. While "reparative therapy" relies on secular approaches, "transformational ministry" takes the approach that freedom from homosexuality is possible through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. - Most transformational ministries adhere to a belief that upholds heterosexuality as God's creative intent for humanity, and subsequently views homosexual expression as outside God's will [8]. In “Reparative/Conversion therapy” several methods are used and often leave the person unchanged and psychologically and emotionally more scarred. Some of the techniques that have been used in these “therapies” is aversion based [4] – the use of electric shocks or nausea-producing drugs while showing them pictures of same-sex nudes.
According to the American Psychiatric Association [9] "There is no published scientific evidence supporting the efficacy of 'reparative therapy' as a treatment to change one's sexual orientation.... There are a few reports in the literature of efforts to use psychotherapeutic and counselling techniques to treat persons troubled by their homosexuality who desire to become heterosexual; however, results have not been conclusive, nor have they been replicated. There is no evidence that any treatment can change a homosexual person's deep-seated sexual feelings for others of the same sex. Clinical experience suggests that any person who seeks conversion therapy may be doing so because of social bias that has resulted in internalised homophobia, and that gay men and lesbians who have accepted their sexual orientation positively are better adjusted than those who have not done so."
Furthermore the American Psychiatric Association’s Board of trustees endorsed the following position statement opposing “reparative therapy” at its December 11-12, 1998 meeting that contained the following[10]:
- "The potential risks of 'reparative therapy' are great, including depression, anxiety and self-destructive behaviour, since therapist alignment with societal prejudices against homosexuality may reinforce self-hatred already experienced by the patient."
- "Many patients who have undergone 'reparative therapy' relate that they were inaccurately told that homosexuals are lonely, unhappy individuals who never achieve acceptance or satisfaction."
- "The possibility that the person might achieve happiness and satisfying interpersonal relationships as a gay man or lesbian is not presented, nor are alternative approaches to dealing with the effects of societal stigmatisation discussed."
- "Therefore, the American Psychiatric Association opposes any psychiatric treatment, such as 'reparative' or 'conversion' therapy which is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon a prior assumption that the patient should change his/her homosexual orientation. The American Psychiatric Association recognizes that in the course of ongoing psychiatric treatment, there may be appropriate clinical indications for attempting to change sexual behaviours."
Bearing in mind the high possible risks for psychological and emotional damage through attempted “restorative/conversion therapy”, it is thus important to rather assist the individual/family/society in accepting his or her sexual orientation rather than attempting to change it. According to an article “Attempts to change sexual orientation” [11] “many interventions that have been aimed at changing sexual orientation have succeeded only in reducing and eliminating homosexual behaviour rather than in creating or increasing heterosexual attractions. They have, in effect, deprived individuals of their capacity for sexual response to others”. Clark [6] is of the opinion that due to the “unending bombardment of negative messages, the resulting injuries to self-esteem and the exhausting efforts required to hide true feelings” most homosexuals and for that matter bisexual or transgender people give into the pressures and would rather try to conform to a/the popular image of the “normal” (heterosexual) person.