An Introduction to Sexual Development
Sexual Development by Age Groups
Male Sexual Development
Female Sexual Development
Children and Sexuality
Adolescent sexuality
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During pregnancy the male fetus has been observed by ultrasound to have penile erections.After birth children enjoy touching their genitals, which are loaded with nerve endings, and although this touching is really nothing to do with sex and doesn’t lead to orgasm, it feels nice.
Puberty: is the stage when girls and boys become able to reproduce. The onset occurs in girls between 8 and 13 years, and 9-14 in boys. At puberty, boys and girls experience physical and emotional changes, and it can be an intensely confusing period. Teens tend to be caught between a rock and a hard place: too frightened to seek advice, too dumb to believe they really need it. Parents find it terribly frustrating to watch children they love 'learn the hard way', but there are no short cuts to wisdom and understanding. They eventually grow up and work this out for themselves.
The delicate balance of our chemical make-up plays a huge part in the changes that take place in our bodies between birth and death.
The delicate balance of our chemical/hormonal make-up plays a huge part in the changes that take place in our bodies between birth and death. Hormones influence just about everything, including gender definition, the onset of puberty, menopause, body shape, pregnancy, moods and even our ability to enjoy sex.
During childhood there is little physical difference between girls and boys, apart from their sexual organs, and both produce the same three sex hormones: estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.
Once puberty begins, differing levels of these hormones cause many physical changes and bring sexuality and the reproductive system to life.
After puberty, sexual experiences tend to be either a feast or a famine, casual sex, one-night stands, short flings, holiday romances and the odd long relationship can make the adolescent years emotionally [and sometimes physically] bruising. The characteristics of a long-term partner may be very different to those of a partner chosen for short-term sexual gratification. Statistically, men and women all over the world are happier and healthier if they have a close physical and sexual relationship with someone, and this is very important in later life [1].
As youngsters most of us were encouraged by a variety of explicit or subliminal messages to be wary of our eroticism as it was developing. Discomfort with one’s sexuality takes years to build up and can’t be changed overnight. Those who establish a comfortable acceptance of their erotic urges are least likely to inflict harm on themselves or others [3].
Chronic illness or disability especially if accompanied by severe teasing or ridicule can lead a child to conclude that he or she is simply too defective ever to be acceptable.
Some children are unable to shield themselves from the slightest criticism, while others appear relatively unruffled by even terrible put downs. Children who consistently feel nurtured, protected and encouraged and know they are loved and supported have a reliable shield against the harsh realities of life. Those who were treated with indifference or contempt may assume that they deserve to be treated badly. Abused children sometimes interpret their mistreatment as proof that they are fundamentally and irreparably flawed [2].