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Communication is core to a relationship, and is often deficient; the following comments and exercises may be helpful. There is no such thing as no communication. We are communicating all the time- verbally and non verbally. WHAT we say is less important than HOW we say it, or what we are doing with our bodies while we say it.

Communication exercises:

  1. make sure that you use "I" language when you express yourselves
  2. do not use the accusative "you"
  3. avoid generalisations e.g. " you never” or “you always "
  4. listen carefully to what your partner has to say, and reflect it back, and in this way communication will become clearer and more  effective
  5. be careful of avoidance techniques that you may resort to, like overeating, staying late at work, or picking a fight when you realise that your partner would like to make love to you.
  6. be assertive: always say clearly what you mean/feel/want/like/dislike.



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