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Menstruation [Periods]
Menstruation refers to the discharge of blood that is shed from the lining of the uterus [womb] on a periodic basis- usually about every 28 days. Menstruation begins at puberty between the ages of 10 and 16 and continues to the age of 40 or 50 when menstruation stops at this after the menopause.
Menstruation is the preparation of a women's body each month for pregnancy. At the beginning of the cycle, the lining of the uterus begins to develop and thicken. This lining is for the developing fetus to anchor on to if fertilization does occur. Hormones allow for the ovum [egg] to begin developing. If the ovum is not fertilized by sperm during intercourse the lining of the uterus separates from the uterine wall and the blood washes the lining away and it and the blood are discharged from the woman's vagina.
Many women experience physical discomfort a few days before menstruation[premenstrual syndrome].
Painful menstruation is especially common during early adolescence.
Menstrual discomfort may include:
- Tenderness of breasts
- Sore nipples
- Retaining fluid (bloating)
- Irritability
- Abdominal/pelvic pain/cramps
- Headaches
- Nervousness
- Fatigue
- Crying spells
- Depression