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Herpes (Blisters
Herpes is caused by a virus which initially is associated with flu like symptoms and small painful genital blisters which burst and turn into sores.
Some people never have another outbreak, others do especially if they are run down or stressed.
There are 2 types: Herpes 1 and 2 but the strains can cross over, and the 'cold sore' can can change and cause genital herpes through oral -genital contact.
Symptoms in men:
Small painful blisters on genitals or rectum, filled with clear liquid that turns yellow. Blisters burst to form small ulcers which dry and develop into a scab. Heals in 2-3 weeks
- General flu-like symptoms and irritation in the genital area
- Pain with intercourse and when passing urine
- Possible reccurrence of blisters and ulcers at frequent intervals
Symptoms in women:
- Same as for men, but more severe, and healing takes longer
- Blisters may appear in cervix or vagina
- Increase in vaginal discharge
- Burning sensation when urinating
No cure, but anti-viral ointments and/or tablets can help minimise the severity and length of attacks. People who suffer from severe recurrent bouts may need continual treatment
Between outbreaks the chances of infection are reduced but condoms should be used at the first sign of itching, irritation or blisters to avoid infecting one's partner.
If left untreated:
- +- 5 attacks per year
- Attacks become less frequent and less severe with time
- Can be passed on during child-birth (rare)