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Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted through penetrative intercourse, oral or anal sex.

The genitlas, anus and throat can be infected.

Symptoms in men:

  1. Pus-like yellow discharge from the penis/urethra
  2. Pain/discomfort when urinating
  3. Irritation around/discharge from the anus
Symptoms in women:

  1. Yellow discharge from the vagina
  2. Burning when passing urine
  3. irritation and/discharge around the anus
  4. May be no symptoms at all.

Referral to a doctor or primary health care clinic for treatment with antibiotics.

Both partners [and any other of their recent partners] must be treated. .

If left untreated:

  1. May cause pelvic inflammatory disease in women which may result in infertility
  2. Discharge may inflame the testicles in men, causing abscesses that may result infertility.

See: Sexually Transmitted Desease



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