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STD's (Sexuality Transmitted Diseases)

A STD is a disease passed between people through sexual contact. STD's are caused by bacteria, or by viruses, or by parasites. STD's can affect any part of the body and sometimes, if left untreated, can cause such serious health problems as sterility or death.

See: Syphilis, Chancroid, Chlamydia, Genital warts, Herpes
Syphilis: (Ulcers)

Symptoms in men:
  1. Painless visible ulcer on the penis/anus
  2. Left untreated lasts 6-8 weeks
Symptoms in women:
  1. Ulcers on/near vagina/anus
  1. Course of antibiotics lasting +- 2 weeks
  2. If left untreated the disease passes through the next 3 stages:
    1. Skin rash
    2. Period of no symptoms
    3. Enters nervous system causing blindness, heart problems and senility
    4. Is also a major cause of stillbirth and infant mortality

Chancroid: (Ulcers)

Symptoms in men:
  1. Painful ulcers on the penis
  2. Enlarged painful glands in the groin
Symptoms in women:
  1. Ulcers/sores on/around/inside vagina
  2. Enlarged, painful, soft glands in groin
  3. Offensive discharge
  1. A course of antibiotic tablets, if left untreated: severe scarring of genitals.

Genital Warts: (Warts)

Takes approximately 3 months for warts to show

Symptoms in men:
  1. Can be flat & smooth, small bumps, or large pink lumps (like cauliflowers).
  2. Can be too small to see, but cause irritation and discomfort.
Symptoms in women:
  1. Warts grow in vagina/cervix/internally/externally on genitals
  1. External warts - paint-on home treatment
  2. Internal warts (usually in women) - removed under local anaesthetic (laser or freezing)
If left untreated:
  1. Warts multiply and spread
  2. May lead to cancer of the cervix (advise women to have a pap smear)

Herpes: (Blisters/Open Sores)

Symptoms in men:
  1. Small painful blisters on genitals or rectum, filled with clear liquid that turns yellow.
  2. Blisters burst to form small ulcers which dry and develop into a scab.
  3. Heals in 2-3 weeks
  4. General flu-like symptoms and irritation in the genital area
  5. Painful intercourse
  6. Possible recurrence of blisters and ulcers at frequent intervals
Symptoms in women:
  1. Same as for men, but more severe, and healing takes longer
  2. Blisters may appear in cervix or vagina
  3. Increase in vaginal discharge
  4. Burning sensation when urinating
  1. No cure but anti-viral drugs can help minimise severity and length of attacks
If left untreated:
  1. +- 5 attacks per year
  2. Attacks become less frequent and less severe with time
  3. Can be passed on during childbirth (rare)

Chlamydia: [discharge]

Symptoms in men:
  1. Discharge from the penis
  2. Pain when urinating
Symptoms in women:
  1. Subtle change in vaginal discharge
  2. Irritation around the vagina
  3. Pain in lower abdomen
  4. Burning sensation when urinating
  1. One week course of anti-biotics
If left untreated:
  1. May cause pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in women

Gonorrhoea: (Discharge)

Symptoms in men:
  1. Yellow or white odourless discharge from the penis
  2. Pain/discomfort when urinating
  3. Irritation around/discharge from the anus
  4. May produce flu-like symptoms
  5. Swelling of testes
Symptoms in women:
  1. Increase in vaginal discharge
  2. Discharge is milky, yellow
  3. May be no symptoms at all
  1. Antibiotics
If left untreated:
  1. May cause pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility in women
  2. Discharge may inflame the testicles in men, causing abscesses that may result in infertility

Trichomoniasis: (Discharge)

Symptoms in men:

  1. Yellowish-green, thin discharge from the end of the penis
  2. Painful urination
  3. no symptoms
Symptoms in women:
  1. Yellowish-green, thin vaginal discharge, that tends to be frothy and to smell unpleasant
  2. Inflammation of vulva and vagina
  3. Chronic irritation of genital area
  1. Week of antibiotics

Hepatitis B: (Virus)

The only STD you can be vaccinated against

Symptoms: 1. Flu-like symptoms eg. tiredness, jaundice, muscle weakness

If untreated: May lead to complications which can cause death

Aids/HIV See: AIDS and Safer Sex

Can I get the disease if someone touches me / if I touched someone who has it?
No! HIV/AIDS a sexually transmitted disease and is transmitted by vaginal or anal penetration or mouth contact of the penis or vagina with someone who has HIV/AIDS.



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