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Menopause [Change of Life]

See: Effects of Ageing on Sexual Function in Men, and Effects of Ageing and Menopause in Women

Menopause occurs as a result of the loss of production of estrogen from the ovaries. Begins at +- 45-55 years of age

  1. Periods become irregular and then stop
  2. Hot flushes - sudden unpleasant burning sensations across face and neck
  3. Nights sweats - are related to hot flushes and can cause sleep disturbances
  4. Vagina dryness - lining of vagina thins and lubrication during arousal diminishes
Long term effects of decreased estrogen:
  1. Thinning and drying skin
  2. Thinning of underarm and pubic hair
  3. Osteoporosis - bones become thinner in density, more brittle and susceptible to breaks

Treatment: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Usually given in the form of estrogen and progestogen, unless the woman has had a hysterectomy [surgical removal of the womb] in which case she can take estrogen alone. HRT must be prescribed by a doctor.

Duration of treatment

  1. 2 years for relief of short term symptoms
  2. 5 years for long terms effects of menopause
Forms of HRT
  1. Implants
  2. Vaginal applied cream or tablets
  3. Tablets taken by mouth
  4. Skin patches

Male Menopause:

There are many physical changes that take place with ageing, similar to those described for women [above]. The level of male hormone may diminish, and some men have symptoms of loss of energy, depression, loss of libido. Treatment with replacement hormones may be indicated. Erections may become less forceful, sometimes ending wothout ejaculation. Men need more direct stimulation to gain and maintain erections than when they were younger. However, sexual activitycan continue to be satisfying to old age.



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